Attacks do more harm as the player's hitpoints reduction

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  itsmonika 4 years ago.

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  • #10223


    77 Attack, 74 Power, 74 Defence, 75 HP. I am looking for the most affordable approach. I could only train at slayer creatures for good drops. I’ve complete torag, fury, whip, de sq, rune boots, d gloves. I want a fantastic slayer monster that can CAMP at. Meaning excellent exp, no food needed, adequate drops. My slayer is only 46 ATM ( I understand I need 50, ill get it)

    Mage, prayer, triumphed, and summoning are out of the question cuz I haven’t any good pocket money at the moment. This way I need to earn a full of 2,190,067 exp from att, str, and def. How should I train the fastest? Do the slayer monster thing mentioned above? If so, what monster? If not, whats better? Should I get better gear? One final question, train you at a time, or use controlled and train with whip? Thank you.

    I am thinking about become a Non-Member to conserve some of my RL cash for stuff that matters. I am trying to think of the disadvantages of becoming a non-member. My list Disadvantages: Making money becomes harder. Swiftswitch screenshots things up when leveling (does anybody know whether it works nicely in swiftkit? ) ) Place and things limited. Few skills to train and most become more difficult to level. 3k Trade cap rather than 20k+. Have to lose my items suck as torso and void set. Benefits: Smaller, more streamlined lender. Can level skills simpler because there are less things to distract me.

    Best Armor For Leg’s Slot. So I wish to get the best armor I will find to wear on my thighs. After a bit of study, I found 4 unique ones that are about the exact same stat-wise, and I’m wondering which is the ideal. Also, how can be Barrows armor repaired? Veracs plate: Attack: -21 magic, -7 range. Defense: +85 stab, +82 slash, +83 crush, +84 variety, +30 summoning, possibilit of negating opponents prayer and armor bonuses. Dharoks platelegs: Strike: -21 magic, -7 range, Defense: +85 stab, +82 slash, +83 crush, -4 magic, +92 range.

    Attacks do more harm as the player’s hitpoints reduction, your strength is going to be doubled when under 10% wellbeing. Guthans chainskirt: Attack: -14 magic, -7 variety, Defense: +75 stab, +72 slash, +73 crush, -4 magic, +82 range, +30 summoning, Powerful attacks have a chance of replenishing the participant’s health by the harm causedby a 1:1 ratio.

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