Cryptocurrency conversion

Home Page Forum Mediterranean Urban and Periurban Agriculture Cryptocurrency conversion

Questo argomento contiene 1 risposta, ha 2 partecipanti, ed è stato aggiornato da  Genezi 1 anno, 11 mesi fa.

  • Autore
  • #25237


    Hello everyone, how is the conversion of one cryptocurrency to another carried out?

  • #25238


    Hello, crypto-exchanges are places, rather, not of exchanging crypto-currencies, but of speculative earnings on courses. There are quite a few of them: Binance, Kraken, Huobi and many others. On exchanges, as a rule, there are quite large turnovers, that is, there are a lot of transactions, so the commissions here are lower than in exchangers. At the same time, the percentage for convert ethereum to litecoin that they charge will differ from one trading platform to another.

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