How to Install Office Setup and Microsoft 365?

Home Page Forums Mediterranean Urban and Periurban Agriculture How to Install Office Setup and Microsoft 365?

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Jimmywick 3 years, 3 months ago.

  • Author
  • #24739

    Jace R Mrazz

    Go to for Office Setup. Sign In or Create a new Microsoft Account. Enter your Office Product key. Select your Country and Language. Download Office Setup and follow the On-Screen instructions.

    Microsoft 365 is one of the most used productivity suites available in the market and is one of the most used productivity tools, as it contains the best of the software’s packed in one package for business with a great graphical user interface with additional business features. To get started with Microsoft 365 visit

  • #24790


    Downloading Microsoft Office 365 apps

    1. Go to Official website.
    2. Click “Sign in” and sign in or sign Up with your account.
    3. Click the “Install Office” menu on the right, then click “Office 365 Apps”
    4. The Office 365 App suite will start downloading. Follow the on screen instructions listed to complete the installation.
    5. Please do not go offline or restart your computer during this process; it is actively installing the software at this point.
    6. While it is installing, it will offer you the opportunity to sign into your Office 365 suite.
    7. Click “Sign in” and you’ll be prompted for a username.
    8. The next screen will ask to verify which type of account you’re using to sign in.
    9. At the next page, enter your password and select “Sign in.” At this point, the installer will offer to give you a walk-through of Office 365 or skip to the end where you will be presented with a larger progress indicating the status of your Office install.
    Once you see the screen below, you are all done and ready to use the software!

    Jimmy Wick

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