Its like my very best option


This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Smarthuiyuan 4 years ago.

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  • #10799


    Did this friend possibly say what combat level she had been when she made all this cash? This is a frequent response to those 3. It’s a he. He showed OSRS gold to me personally. . So its a lie. And he’s 88cb currently (like me). . If he left it before he was even lvl88 cb that only proves tht I cud do it easily. He will take him nxt time he gets online. . I’d prolly train str around 75-80ish. And my def up to 70 later. Although training isn’t that simple, mainly cuz I get around 2hrs a day online…

    Its like my very best option is to kill 300 cows each day and bury their bones, such as 30 yrs for maxed battle + maxed pray. But I seldom get them as even saturdays are functioning days for me. The past 4 days were holidays when I got 4hrs, 3hrs, 2.5hrs, and 6hrs respectivly. Total of 15 and a half hrs online. I spent the first day only playing for fun and powertrained the previous 3 days with slayer. I moved from 65 to 70 atk, also from 25 to 45 slayer.

    Did this buddy perhaps say what battle level she was when she left all this cash? This is a frequent response to all 3… It’s a he. He revealed it to me personally. . So its a lie. And he’s 88cb now (same as me). . If he left it before he had been even lvl88 cb that Cheap RS gold just proves tht I cud do it readily. He’ll take me with him nxt time he gets online. . I’d prolly train str around 75-80ish. And maybe my def around 70 afterwards. Although training isn’t that simple, mainly cuz I get around 2hrs a day online…

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