Why is it so important to learn a foreign language just for yourself?

Home Page Forums Mediterranean Urban and Periurban Agriculture Why is it so important to learn a foreign language just for yourself?

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Genezi 2 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #25012


    Gain self-confidence
    Admit it, after the tenth mistake in the same sentence or the inability to understand the same rule, it is very easy to despair and give up. But nothing compares to the feeling when something that seemed impossible to understand suddenly reaches consciousness and in fact turns out to be something quite accessible to itself. Self-confidence appears after the first results. We begin to realize what a new language can bring us. And these are new acquaintances, career opportunities, trips abroad. While studying a foreign language, we feel busy, involved in something really important and useful. And this increases our self-esteem.
    Road to the future
    And of course, we must not forget about the road to the future, which we do not forget for a minute. A foreign language (or rather a few) in the arsenal is a completely different level in terms of career growth, as well as very real opportunities to start a new life abroad.

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