The Milan Urban Food Policy Pact (MUFPP) is the most important legacy of Expo Milan 2015. The idea was launched by the mayor of Milan in February 2014 on the occasion of the C40 Summit in Johannesburg. In September 2014, Milan and about 40 cities from every continent started to work on its content. The overall process received the guidance of an advisory group of leading international organisations and a technical team composed by key experts. The Pact was signed on 15 October 2015 in Milan by 113 cities from all over the world. By the end of 2017, it had been signed by 160 cities from 62 countries, including the 6 MADRE cities.
Contact details
E-mail :
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/mufpp/
Website : http://www.milanurbanfoodpolicypact.org
Milan, Italia
∙ City of Milan, founder of the Pact, president of the Steering Committee and Technical Secretariat
∙ 160 signatory cities from all over the world, including the 6 MADRE cities
∙ European commission, FAO and other international organisations
∙ Fondazione Cariplo
∙ Fostering and supporting the role of local governments in developing sustainable food systems
∙ Creating a worldwide network of cities committed to develop and implement sustainable food strategies
∙ Proposing a Framework for Action as a starting point for each city
∙ Facilitating exchange of ideas and experience-sharing on how to concretely address common challenges
∙ Promoting a multi-sectoral, multi-level and multi-party approach of food issues
Legal framework & Budget
The launching process was supported from 2015 to 2016 by the EU-funded project “Food Smart Cities for Development”, led by the City of Milan and involving 12 other urban areas, including Barcelona, Marseille and Thes- saloniki. The MUFPP keeps an informal constitution. Its Steering Committee is composed of 13 members, elected by signatory cities with a 2-year mandate. A technical secretariat was established within the Mayor’s office of the City of Milan. Foundations such as Cariplo provide some funding for activities.Activities
The MUFPP provides a Framework for Action, including 37 recommended actions structured in 6 categories: Governance; Sustainable diets and nutrition; Social and economic equity; Food production; Food supply and distribution; Food waste. Since 2016, the Secretariat organises the Milan Pact Awards to reward signatory cities’ best practices and foster collaboration among them. The MUFPP is working with FAO on a Monitoring Framework, based on 42 quantitative and qualitative indicators related to the Framework for Action, as well as on an Urban Food Action Platform, to collect and share good practices. Finally, the MUFPP advocates at the global level on the role of cities in tackling food issues.>Innovation & Outcomes
The main innovation of the MUFPP is that, through a non-binding agreement, it encourages cities to adopt an integrated approach on urban food issues. Its impact is based on experience-sharing and a toolkit allowing cities to assess their progress and get ideas of possible solutions. Two MADRE cities are showcased among the good practices: Barcelona for its modern markets and “good living” strategy and Montpellier for the partnership developed between policymakers and researchers for policy formulation.0
Main obstacles & Next steps
The main challenge is to work with so many cities with different economic, social and political contexts and priorities. Signatory cities are working to finalise the monitoring framework, to develop the Urban Food Action Platform, to promote cooperation at regional level and to boost the role of the Pact in the global debate.More on :
http://www.milanurbanfoodpolicypact.org- 14 October 2016, Rome Italy – Group photo. World Food Event: Milan Urban Food Policy Pact: Mayors’ Summit FAO Headquarters (Green Room).