It was a historical countryside residence; it was property of the Counts of Zambeccari. This initiative is engaged to capitalize the experience and the history of peasant farming culture and disseminate this culture by avoiding the abandonment of the countryside.
Contact details
Villa Smeraldi-Museum of Peasant Farming Culture
Function / Organisation : Institution of the Metropolitan City of Bologna
, Museum of Peasant Farming Culture
E-mail : segreteria.museo@cittametropolitana.bo.it
Website : http://www.museociviltacontadina.bo.it/
E-mail : segreteria.museo@cittametropolitana.bo.it
Website : http://www.museociviltacontadina.bo.it/
San Marino di Bentivoglio
- Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio in Bologna, financial support for the permanent exhibition installation
- Other financial support by:
- Interporto Bologna, logistics services management
- Granarolo S.p.A, one of the main Italian company for cheese production
- Consorzio del Formaggio Parmigiano-Reggiano, consortium of the typical regional cheese
- Emil Banca, bank institution
- Social Cooperative “Anima”
- Associazione Gurppo della Stadura
- Studies Group “Pianura del Reno”
- Euridice Chorus
- University of Bologna – Department of tree crops
- Financial support provided by 3 local public authorities:
- Municipality of Bologna
- City of Castel Maggiore (Bologna metropolitan areas)
- City of Bentivoglio (Bologna metropolitan areas)
- Emilia-Romagna Region, financial support for permanent exhibition installation
- Institute of the Artistic, Natural and Cultural Goods.
The historical building and park represents one of the main Italian relevant collection of farming culture and work. The materials inside tell about the farming culture of the province of Bologna until the middle of XX century. The Museum aims at describing the farming archaeology, habits, culture, craftsmen of the countryside of the Bologna area. It is also included in the Rural World Museum network.
Legal framework & Budget
The Museum is managed by the Metropolitan City of Bologna, therefore it consists in a public body.Activities
Dissemination of peasant farming culture through events and didactic laboratories targeted for schools; Guided tours, demonstrations and tasting guided tours dedicated to specific section of the museum (fruit, honey, sugar, bread, milk, hemp). The activities focus on the main sections of the Museum: The plains of tenant farmers, The farm, Wood, leaves and wine, The farmyard and the family, Craftsmen of the countryside, Hemp, Fruit and tasting, Honey and sugar, The peasant farmer’s kitchen, Garden and orchard, Crowdfunding campaign, financing project, Digital map of the peasant farming culture aiming at collecting documentary material and telling the farming culture and lifestyle. The tools of the peasant farming culture were donated to the farmers gathered together in association form. #ILOVEPOMARIO, the crowdfunding campaign Crowdfunding campaign for supporting the orchard of the Museum of the Peasant Farming Culture: #ILOVEPOMARIO, a reward-based crowdfunding campaign with a return for a donation from fans of the initiative. This orchard includes 150 ancient fruits varieties and the aim was the recovery of this native fruits. The campaign was implemented through a digital platform (developed by a local startup: http://www.ideaginger.it/progetti/ilovepomario.html#tab_progetto) where was possible to choose the reward and donate the related amount. Supporters could choose 2 options for the reward: an economic single support or the “adoption” for one year of a fruit tree; in this last case, people who chose the adoption can pick the fruits of their own trees.>Innovation & Outcomes
Type of service innovation: promotion and dissemination of the entire peasant farming culture with exhibitions of plains of tenant farmers, craftsmen, hemp, garden and orchard. The initiative meets its objectives as it is evident by the outcomes: - 2000 sq. dedicated to the exhibitions of the peasant farming culture; - 4 hectares of park where evidences of the peasant farming culture are put in place; - around 21 education activities scheduled per year; - concerning its relevance, the Museum exhibited the tools of the peasant farming culture at the Expo 2015 in Italy, at the main entrance (114 pieces). - Outcomes of the crowdfunding campaign: 157 supporters, 6.308 € donated (126% of the foreseen budget).
Project budget
172 995
172 995
Main obstacles & Next steps
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