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Επισκόπηση 3 δημοσιεύσεων - 1 έως 3 (από 3 συνολικά)
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  • σε απάντηση του: Вас дожидаются на web-сайте Hydra #10273


    A poorly chosen stand makes hunting miserable. On the other hand, a good deer stand not only makes your time more enjoyable, it also makes you a more effective hunter. We face enough hunting challenges from the deer themselves so we don’t need tree stands that make the hunt harder. Danger – Serious injuries and deaths from tree stand falls are increasingly common and an alarming number of hunters fall from tree stands each season. Always wear a safety belt or harness! Hunting from above gives us several advantages, such as remaining above a deer’s normal field of view, raising our scent above our prey’s nose, and increasing our range of vision. Unfortunately, as the use of tree stands increases, so does the frequency of hunters falling from their perches. Here are some tips to help get the most out of your peak hunting experience:

    * Hunt deer, not trees. Find the deer first by looking for trails, droppings, buck rubs, feeding locations, bedding areas and other deer signs, then find a tree within easy shooting range that will put you in a good location relative to the wind. Fresh rubs and scrapes are expected indicators of consistent use, particularly with heavy surrounding cover. The more cover the better the trail.

    * Hot deer trails. Scout trails ahead of time as most deer are harvested close to these runways. Master trails are those easy to spot major trails, but these do not necessarily provide consistent action. Secondary trails tend to be more dependable, particularly for mature bucks who take the path less traveled. These trails come and go as deer are attracted to a seasonal food or bedding thicket. Secondary deer trails that serve a purpose close at hand are often a better choice for stand sites – hot sites are seasonal.


  • σε απάντηση του: Również spiętrza aby się odebrać składników #10266


    Many people find themselves thrown into the world of musical instruments they know nothing about when their children first begin music at school. Knowing the basics of good instrument construction, materials, and choosing a good store in which to rent or buy these instruments is extremely important. So what process should a parent follow to make the best choices for their child?

    Clearly the first step is to choose an instrument. Let your child have their choice. Kids don’t make very many big decisions about their life, and this is a big one that can be very empowering. I can also say from personal experience that kids have a natural intuition about what is good for them. Ultimately, my strongest advice is to put a child into a room to try no more than 3-5 different choices, and let them make their choice based on the sound they like best.

    This information is intended to broaden your horizons, not to create a preference, or to put you in a position to nit-pick in the store! Most instruments are extremely well made these days, and choosing a respected retailer will allow you to trust recommendations. Ask your school and/or private music teacher where to shop.

    Brass instruments are made all over the world, but primarily in the USA, Germany, France, and China. When we talk about brass instruments, we are referring to members of the Trumpet, Horn, Trombone, and Tuba families.

    Best Professional Trumpet



  • σε απάντηση του: Чихание И Насморк Без Температуры При. #10239


    Trumpet players, as well as musicians that play any brass instruments, always tend to come across the issue of picking the right mouthpiece. If the wrong mouthpiece is being used, even the best trumpets in the world can sound horrible. With each having a different effect on the trumpet sound, there are many different things to consider when shopping for a mouthpiece. The type of playing that you plan on doing, the desired tone quality, the strength of your embouchure, and your facial structure (teeth, jaw, and lips) all need to be considered.

    When you arm yourself with the right information, you allow yourself to make a more informed decision. After all, finding that perfect mouthpiece can be a never-ending quest for brass players. You need to pick the right cup, rim, backbore, and throat (or bore) in order to get the most out of your horn. Here is a helpful guide to consider before going shopping:

    Cup — Each having different qualities, there are many different shapes and sizes of cups available. You can have a deep cup, a shallow cup, a bowl-shaped cup, or even a V-cup. If you’re looking for a rich, dark sound you will want to steer yourself towards a deeper cup. The sound you get from a deep cup is good for jazz combo, symphonic, or concert band music. If you are looking for a bright, piercing sound with an easier upper register, you may want to look for a shallow cup. You don’t want too shallow of a mouthpiece, though, as it tends to let your lips bottom out in the cup which stops your lips from buzzing. A good compromise for some people would be to use a V-cup, as it allows you to play with a darker tone and with an easier upper register.


Επισκόπηση 3 δημοσιεύσεων - 1 έως 3 (από 3 συνολικά)

Project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund