ενημερωτικό υλικό

Συγγραφέας : Annabelle Jaeger
Γλώσσες : Γάλλος
Χώρες : France

Abstract :  Smart city, ville verte, ville résiliente, ville durable, ville connectée... les villes de demain sont au cœur des grands enjeux de notre époque. En effet, 75 % d’entre nous vivront en zones urbaines en 2050 au sein d’espaces produisant déjà deux tiers des émissions de gaz à effet de serre (GES) et devant faire face aux conséquences sociales et sanitaires de la pollution atmosphérique.

Συγγραφέας : Institu Cerdà
Γλώσσες : Καταλανικά
Χώρες : Spain

Abstract :  Els canals curts de comercialització (CCC) impacten en les dimensions econòmica, social, cultural, territorial i ambiental de l'àrea metropolitana. Aquest estudi analitza les diferents tipologies de canals curts de comercialització existents i els impactes que genera la distribució agroalimentària de circuit curt al territori metropolità. També considera una sèrie de línies de posicionament envers els CCC i les polítiques que es puguin desenvolupar al respecte al territori metropolità.

Συγγραφέας : Interreg Med MADRE Partnership, support técnic de Llaurant Barcelona
Γλώσσες :
Χώρες : Spain

Abstract :  Aquest informe tracta l'agricultura urbana iperiurbana des d'una perspectiva crítica i orientada a propostes concretes, i parant especial atenció a les àrees metropolitanes mediterrànies. A partir dels coneixements existents i d'experiències d'èxit a la regió, el document pretén donar una visió clara i concisa dels principals reptes i oportunitats d'aquesta qüestió. A més, es presenta una sèrie d'exemples inspiradors i de recomanacions per a les administracions públiques per obrir camí a l'agricultura metropolitana sostenible.

Συγγραφέας : Institut d’Estudis Regionals i Metropolitans de Barcelona (IERMB)
Γλώσσες : Καταλανικά
Χώρες : Spain

Abstract :  This study, driven by the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona (AMB), is part of a line of research on the synergy between energy and territory in the metropolitan area of Barcelona. The study aims to explain the latest kinetic contributions on the socioecological transition of metropolitan agriculture, in order to identify strategic factors in the planning of the territory.

Συγγραφέας : MADRE project
Γλώσσες : Αγγλικά
Χώρες : Greece,Italy,Spain,Albania,France

Abstract :  Farmers’ innovation is a central element in the development and consolidation of metropolitan agriculture. This report discusses the role of farmers and other private stakeholders in the development of sustainable urban and peri- urban agricultural projects in the Mediterranean region.

Συγγραφέας : MADRE project
Γλώσσες : Αγγλικά
Χώρες : Greece,Italy,Spain,Albania,France

Abstract :  Urban and peri-urban agriculture is an emerging field of academic research. Its interdisciplinary and complexity nature make it a very interesting and challenging topic for students and researchers. At the same time, the results of this research –both in the physical and the social dimensions of agriculture– have an enormous potential for guiding and improving current initiatives in this area, from community gardens to territorial policies.

Συγγραφέας : MADRE project
Γλώσσες : Αγγλικά
Χώρες : Greece,Italy,Spain,Albania,France

Abstract :  New forms of retailing are arising with the objective of making peri-urban food available at daily basis and affordable prices and establishing direct links with metropolitan farmers. Consumers’ associations are also very active to create pressure groups and frequently develop successful collaborations with local public authorities to gain access to allotments for community gardens and keep green areas free from urbanisation, among others. These actions can be understood as a form of ‘consumer-citizenship’, which is the main focus of this document.

Συγγραφέας : MADRE project
Γλώσσες : Αγγλικά
Χώρες : Greece,Italy,Spain,Albania,France

Abstract :  The social innovation dimension is inherent to many agricultural projects in urban and peri-urban contexts. In some of them –community gardens, therapeutic and educational farms and social inclusion enterprises, among others– it is even their main drive. These initiatives have great potential in terms of poverty alleviation, integration of vulnerable collectives and community-building and this fact raises social innovation as one of the main aspects of metropolitan agriculture.

Συγγραφέας : MADRE project
Γλώσσες : Αγγλικά
Χώρες : Greece,Italy,Spain,Albania,France

Abstract :  The disappearance of fertile agricultural land due to the rapid spread of urban construction and the consolidation of metropolises is a real issue for both urban planners and rural populations. While agriculture weakens as an economic activity, urban and peri-urban agriculture is becoming an increasingly important factor for supplying food to city dwellers and creating sustainable links between natural and urban areas.

Συγγραφέας : MADRE project
Γλώσσες : Αγγλικά
Χώρες : Greece,Italy,Spain,Albania,France

Abstract :  Transnational innovation practices, mostly in the form of multi-partner projects and networks, play an important role in the consolidation and progress of sustainable and resilient metropolitan agriculture. This document discusses its characteristics and point towards some recommendations on how to make best use of this kind of initiatives.

Συγγραφέας : Julie SEEGERS ; Clara VOIROL
Γλώσσες : Γάλλος
Χώρες : France

Abstract :  Ce rapport se focalise sur l'agriculture dans les aires urbaines en Occitanie. Grâce à l'animation de séminaires, 8 thèmes de réflexion ont été retenus et explorés : la formation, l’alimentation, la restauration collective, le tourisme, les filières et circuits de proximité ou courts, le foncier, la ressource en eau et la gouvernance des territoires.

Συγγραφέας : Terre de Liens
Γλώσσες : Γάλλος
Χώρες : France

Abstract :  (FR) Terre de Liens intervient pour faciliter l’accès au foncier et favoriser l’éclosion de projets qui redonnent vie aux territoires ruraux. Depuis 2003, Terre de liens s’est attaché à développer des solutions permettant à tout un chacun de s’engager dans la préservation du foncier agricole pour permettre l’installation d’activités agro-écologiques. (EN) This guide compiles ressources to help farmers find suitable land in France.

Συγγραφέας : Antoine Lagneau
Γλώσσες : Γάλλος
Χώρες : France

Abstract :  L’agriculture urbaine connaît un rapide changement d’échelle... Le temps n’est plus aux simples jardins communautaires. Désormais, de la startup au groupe multinational, de l’association citoyenne au pouvoir public, nombreux sont les acteurs prêts à porter des initiatives ambitieuses, avec l’objectif de nourrir une population urbaine croissante.

Συγγραφέας : MADRE members
Γλώσσες : Αγγλικά
Χώρες : Greece,Italy,Spain,Albania,France,others

Abstract :  This Catalogue highlights the best practices identified in the 6 metropolises associated with MADRE, in terms of farmers’ innovation, social innovation, consumer innovation, academic research, territorial innovation and transnational innovation.

Συγγραφέας : James MCELDOWNEY (European Parliament)
Γλώσσες : Αγγλικά
Χώρες : others

Abstract :  This paper aims to provide an overview of the concept and practice of urban agriculture in the European Union. In addition to examining the typology of urban agriculture, it looks at the scale and practice of this phenomenon, along with the factors that have operated to influence its development. Examples are provided to illustrate the diversity of urban agriculture, including the potential contribution that it can make to food security and sustainable development. Drawing on research studies and reviews from both Europe and the USA, the paper identifies a number of challenges and limitations facing the development of urban agriculture, in both policy and practice terms.

Συγγραφέας : Bernd PÖLLING, María-José PRADOS, Bianca Maria TORQUATI, Giulia GIACCHÉ,Xavier RECASENS, Chiara PAFFARINI , Oscar ALFRANCA , Wolf LORLEBERG
Γλώσσες : Αγγλικά
Χώρες : Italy,Spain,others

Abstract :  The “Urban Agriculture Europe” EU COST-Action (2012–2016) has shown that the complexity of urban agriculture (UA) is hardly compressible into classic business management models and has proposed new management models, such as the Business Model Canvas (BMC). Business models of UA have to be different from rural ones. In particular, factors such as differentiation and diversification, but also low cost-oriented specialisation, are characteristic and necessary business models for UA to stay profitable in the long term under challenging city conditions. This paper aims to highlight how farm enterprises have to adjust to urban conditions by stepping into appropriate business models aiming to stay competitive and profitable, and how the BMC is useful to analyse their organisation and performance, both economically and socially. The paper offers an inter-regional analysis of UA enterprises located in Spain, Italy, and Germany, which are further subdivided into: local food, leisure, educational, social, therapeutic, agri-environmental, cultural heritage and experimental farms. The analysis demonstrates that UA is differentially adjusted to specific urban conditions and that the BMC is useful for analysing urban farming. Heterogeneous local food farms and the integration of local and organic food production in social farming business models are most frequent in our case studies.

Συγγραφέας : European Access to Land network
Γλώσσες : Αγγλικά
Χώρες :

Abstract :  The European Access to Land network brings together grassroots organisations from across Europe to share experiences and promote the significance of access to land for agroecological farming and generational renewal.

Συγγραφέας : AFD
Γλώσσες : Γάλλος
Χώρες : others

Abstract :  Dans un monde qui ne cesse de s’urbaniser, le rôle des collectivités locales dans la politique alimentaire des villes est devenu central. Parmi les défis auxquels sont confrontées les villes, celui d’assurer la sécurité alimentaire des populations urbaines, dans le cadre d’un équilibre à trouver avec les territoires ruraux et pour la durabilité des systèmes alimentaires, est essentiel.

Συγγραφέας : Plante et cité - Terres en ville
Γλώσσες : Γάλλος
Χώρες : France

Abstract :  Agriculture urbaine, agriculture périurbaine, intra-urbaine... les termes foisonnent pour parler d’un sujet aux contours variables. Derrière ces mots se cachent des échelles de travail, des projets, des jeux d’acteurs, des localisations et des systèmes de valeurs différents.

Συγγραφέας : Pere Serra, David Saurí & Luca Salvati
Γλώσσες : Αγγλικά
Χώρες : Spain

Abstract :  Dispersed urbanisation promotes complex relationships between rural areas and the urban fringe, with emerging new functions for peri-urban agriculture (PUA). A quantitative approach profiling farm types and the related landscape structure in an expanding urban region, the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona, is proposed.

Συγγραφέας : Germán Llerena del Castillo y Mariona Espinet
Γλώσσες : Ισπανικά
Χώρες : others

Abstract :  This book analyzes the theoretical foundation of school agroecology and gives some keys to apply it. It also analyzes some cases of school gardens and presents their opportunities and challenges.

Συγγραφέας : Nerea Morán Alonso, Ícario Obeso Muñiz & Felipe Fernández García
Γλώσσες : Αγγλικά
Χώρες : Spain

Abstract :  The main objective of this paper is to detect opportunitites for the revitalisation of peri-urban agriculture based on an analysis and comparison of its evolution in two different regional contexts in Spain.

Συγγραφέας : Caroline Brand, Nicolas Bricas, Damien Conaré, Benoit Daviron, Julie Debru, Laura Michel, Christophe-Toussaint Soulard, coordinateurs
Γλώσσες : Γάλλος
Χώρες : France

Abstract :  Face à la diversité des situations, des contraintes, des acteurs et des points de vue, et face à la complexité de l’enjeu, le risque existe de se sentir démuni au moment de définir une stratégie de gestion d’un système alimentaire urbain. Cela rend particulièrement cruciaux le partage d’expérience et la connaissance des démarches d’analyse et des cadres de référence mobilisables.

Συγγραφέας : Andrea Fantini
Γλώσσες : Ισπανικά
Χώρες : others

Abstract :  Field research in Spain and Italy characterized by a comparative and polyvalent approach, capable of analyzing the various aspects of the phenomenon (environmental / agronomic, economic, social and political) and finding out its effectiveness in different urban contexts.

Συγγραφέας : Astredhor, Plante et Cité
Γλώσσες : Γάλλος
Χώρες : France

Abstract :  A l’occasion des Journées d’ASTREDHOR, les 20 et 21 janvier 2016, ASTREDHOR et Plante & Cité proposent une sélection d’articles sur l’agriculture urbaine disponibles aux services documentation d’ASTREDHOR et de Plante & Cité. Les articles sélectionnés, issus des bases de données bibliographiques des deux organismes, proviennent essentiellement de la presse technique française et étrangère. Certaines références d’ouvrages ou de sites internet intéressants sur cette thématique sont également présentées. Toutes les références sont classées selon le programme des Journées d’ASTREDHOR.

Συγγραφέας : Associació Menjadors Ecològics
Γλώσσες : Καταλανικά
Χώρες : Spain

Abstract :  This feasibility study analyzes the potentialities and specific challenges of creating a shopping center based on the proximity product in the Maresme region.

Συγγραφέας : Terre de Liens
Γλώσσες : Γάλλος
Χώρες : France

Abstract :  (FR) Il s'agit de partager le fruit des réflexions de Terre de Liens et proposer un outil concret et pédagogique pour guider l’action des élus locaux, des techniciens, des acteurs et des citoyens qui les accompagnent. (EN) This text explains how local authorities can help farmers find agricultural land and start their businesses.

Γλώσσες : Γάλλος
Χώρες : France,others

Abstract :  The multifunctional character of urban agriculture is widely recognized both in Northern and in Southern countries. But, who are urban farmers? A literature review suggests two categories which co-exist: poor farmers who practice subsistence farming in developing countries, and gardeners who farm as a hobby in industrialized countries. In this article, we question the societal postulates concerning the status of agriculture in urban households. We show that the development of urban agriculture in industrialized countries is based on hybrid types of activity systems, which in part do not correspond with the division between professional farming and hobby farming.

Συγγραφέας : Flavio Lupia
Γλώσσες : Ιταλός
Χώρες : Italy

Abstract :  Urban agriculture (UA) is a worldwide growing phenomenon.In the metro- politan areas of the Global North, UA is not simply a food production activity but also a mean for social aggregation and for urban environmental sustainability. In this context, today, the spatial representations of the urban environment are enriched with a new layer: the cultivated green spaces.

Συγγραφέας : Food Links
Γλώσσες : Αγγλικά
Χώρες : others

Abstract :  This guide is part of a collective effort to provide motivation and support for those actors interested in building more sustainable food systems in urban contexts.

Συγγραφέας : Josep Montasell i Dorda
Γλώσσες : Καταλανικά
Χώρες : Spain

Abstract :  This article emphasizes the need to recover the "connection" between the countryside and the city, a relationship in which the countryside becomes a place to host an agro-urban project where "urban superplanes" are associated to "Food superparcels", understood as facilities and urban infrastructures. This is a proposal that is perfectly acceptable for smart cities, even if these cities want to be smart as well as sustainable.

Συγγραφέας : Rosa Binimelis i Charles-André Decombes
Γλώσσες : Καταλανικά
Χώρες : Spain

Abstract :  This study analyzes the potentialities of the short circuits of commercialization, from the specialized stores to the consumer cooperatives and presents cases of study in Catalonia.

Συγγραφέας : Blaudin de Thé Camille, Erktan Amandine, Vergobbi Charles
Γλώσσες : Γάλλος
Χώρες : France

Abstract :  L'objet de cette étude, commanditée par le service prospective du Ministère de l’agriculture et de la pêche, est de proposer des réponses à la question suivante : « la filière agricole au cœur des villes en 2030. Ce scénario est-il probable, souhaitable ? »

Συγγραφέας : FAO
Γλώσσες : Γάλλος
Χώρες : Greece,Italy,Spain,Albania,France,others

Abstract :  La culture de légumes feuillus, de tubercules et d’herbes aromatiques dans de simples récipients aide les familles à faible revenu à répondre à leurs besoins quotidiens en produits frais et nutritifs

Συγγραφέας : Diputació de Barcelona
Γλώσσες : Καταλανικά
Χώρες : Spain

Abstract :  This document analyzes the potential benefits of social agriculture for the local development of the territory in the area of Catalonia. It starts from a brief analysis of the situation of social agriculture in Catalonia and concludes with a series of political recommendations aimed at consolidating it.

Συγγραφέας : Institut d’Estudis Regionals i Metropolitans de Barcelona (IERMB)
Γλώσσες : Καταλανικά
Χώρες : Spain

Abstract :  This study, commissioned by the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona (AMB), is framed in a broader research line that seeks to diagnose with a quantitative basis the functioning of the agri-food system in the metropolitan area of Barcelona. The study shows the number and situation of different types of agriculture (professional, orchards in precarious, urban orchards) and evaluates the potential for food self-sufficiency in the region and its impact on water flows. The various present-day speeches on this phenomenon are also analyzed and a collection of good practices in public policies is presented to stimulate metropolitan agriculture.

Συγγραφέας : Institut d'Estudis Regionals i Metropolitans de Barcelona (IERMB)
Γλώσσες : Καταλανικά
Χώρες : Spain

Abstract :  Designed by the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona, this report represents one of the first approaches to urban and periurban agriculture in Barcelona from a quantitative basis. The study proposes classification of this activity according to its uses and characteristics (professional agriculture, orchards in precarious, municipal and community gardens, individual urban orchards) and quantifies its extension and location.

Συγγραφέας : Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona (AMB)
Γλώσσες : Καταλανικά
Χώρες : Spain

Abstract :  The document contains the main conclusions of a debate and participation panel that addressed the issue of socio-ecological conflicts around the metropolitan peasantry of Barcelona. The work carried out in 4 sessions over 6 months (2017-2018) is reflected in this document which sets out the main contributions, reflections and elements of consensus in the process.

Συγγραφέας : Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona (AMB)
Γλώσσες : Ισπανικά,Αγγλικά,Καταλανικά
Χώρες : Spain

Abstract :  This working document is part of the process of elaboration of the Metropolitan Master Plan of Barcelona and it presents a series of reflections on the role of open spaces. Agriculture (specially periurban agriculture) is present in most of these debates as the main economic activity of metropolitan open spaces.

Συγγραφέας : Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona (AMB)
Γλώσσες : Καταλανικά
Χώρες : Spain

Abstract :  This document identifies the main trends and strategies of eco-innovation in the agri-food sector, illustrating them with practical cases, in order to increase their knowledge and highlight the potential of eco-innovation in this area to generate a more sustainable agri-food system.

Συγγραφέας : Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona (AMB)
Γλώσσες : Ισπανικά
Χώρες : Spain

Abstract :  This document identifies the main trends and strategies of eco-innovation in the agri-food sector, illustrating them with practical cases, in order to increase their knowledge and highlight the potential of eco-innovation in this area to generate a more sustainable agri-food system.

Συγγραφέας : Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona (AMB)
Γλώσσες : Καταλανικά
Χώρες : Spain

Abstract :  The study is an approach to the activities of production, transformation, distribution, consumption and recovery of food in the metropolitan area of Barcelona of its economic aspect. A series of quantitative indicators are presented to evaluate this economic impact and also point to possible lines of political action in order to reinforce metropolitan agriculture and recognize all its benefits.

Συγγραφέας : Guillem Tendero (coord.) - Xarxa de Consum Solidari & Aliança per la Sobirania Alimentària de Catalunya
Γλώσσες : Καταλανικά
Χώρες : Spain

Abstract :  The document presents a series of data, arguments and proposals developed by activists and researchers from Cuba, Madrid and Barcelona and with a clear vision of the defense of Food Sovereignty and Agroecology. The purpose of the publication is to favor the elaboration of local food strategies that allow moving towards more just and sustainable urban food systems.

Συγγραφέας : Access to Land Network and URGENCI
Γλώσσες : Αγγλικά
Χώρες : others

Abstract :  This report provides 14 case studies of initiatives across Europe that raise awareness of the importance of having access to agricultural land and the potential of Community Supported Agriculture as a method of cooperation between farmers and consumers.

Συγγραφέας : URGENCI, Hungry for Rights and GRUNDTVIG Project
Γλώσσες : Αγγλικά
Χώρες : others

Abstract :  This document is intended to inform and inspire networks and organizations across Europe that are active in developing Alternative Food Distribution Systems (AFDS). During this training, the focus will primarily be on regional food supply chains and food cooperatives (consumer coops and producer coops). Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) will be described in brief.

Συγγραφέας : COST Action Urban Agriculture Members
Γλώσσες : Αγγλικά
Χώρες : Italy,Spain,France,others

Abstract :  More than 250 European experiences in urban farming and urban gardening.

Συγγραφέας : Llaurant Barcelona
Γλώσσες : Ισπανικά
Χώρες : Spain

Abstract :  This document is the result of a process of collective diagnosis and debate regarding food policies that have taken place in person and at a distance with multiple people and groups between October 2015 and November 2016.

Συγγραφέας : COST Action Urban Agriculture Members
Γλώσσες : Αγγλικά
Χώρες : Greece,Italy,Spain,France,others

Abstract :  It is the summary of the COST Action Urban Agriculture work during 2012 - 2016. There is information about all the meetings (Aachen, Barcelona, Dublin, Geneve, Warsaw, Milan, Sofia and Brussels), Training Schools and Short Term Scientific Missions.

Συγγραφέας : Barcelona City Council
Γλώσσες : Καταλανικά
Χώρες : Spain

Abstract :  This document includes actions planned by the City Council of Barcelona in its food policy aimed at responsible consumption, agro-ecological production and short circuits of commercialization.

Συγγραφέας : FAO
Γλώσσες : Γάλλος
Χώρες : others

Abstract :  This document explores the role of the FAO in creating policies to feed a world that is becoming more and more urban.

Συγγραφέας : Llaurant Barcelona
Γλώσσες : Καταλανικά
Χώρες : Spain

Abstract :  This document is the result of a process of collective diagnosis and debate regarding food policies that have taken place in person and at a distance with multiple people and groups between October 2015 and November 2016.

Συγγραφέας : Observatori del Deute en la Globalitzacio (ODG); Soberanía Alimentaria, Biodiversidad y Culturas Magazine
Γλώσσες : Ισπανικά
Χώρες : Spain

Abstract :  The tomato is a central food in Catalan gastronomy, however, in only seven years, its local production drops by 40%. This documentary analyzes the procedence of the tomatoes showed up in Mercabarna, the central of supplies of Barcelona, traveling to the countries of origin and describing their production systems, which turn out to be unsustainable from the social and environmental point of view.

Συγγραφέας : Carles Soler (Soberanía Alimentaria, Biodiversidad y Culturas Magazine)
Γλώσσες : Καταλανικά
Χώρες : Spain

Abstract :  The purpose of this study is to provide some keys to understand the current scenario of the Municipal Markets of Barcelona and its main supplier of food: Mercabarna. The food sovereignty key is analyzed, the model of production and food distribution that is promoted from the Mercas Network and the role played by producers of periurban agriculture in Barcelona.

Project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund