This collective outlet was born in 2015 from the minds of farmers from the Aix Marseille Provence Metropolis, with the support of CETA Pays d’Aubagne (Centre for Agricultural Technical Studies). After one year of continuous work of the farmers, and thanks to the support of local authorities and CETA to launch a market research study and look for funding, the collective outlet was opened in Aubagne. Today, it brings together 26 local producers who manage it themselves.
Contact details
Bernold Poinas; Bruno Knipping (bruno.knipping@yahoo.fr)
Function / Organisation : Coordinator of CETA Pays d’Aubagne; President of the Association Chez les Producteurs
, Chez les Producteurs
E-mail : bpoinas.ceta@free.fr
Facebook : https://fr-fr.facebook.com/chezlesproducteurs/
Website : http://jardinsdupaysdaubagne.com/producteur/chez-les-producteurs
E-mail : bpoinas.ceta@free.fr
Facebook : https://fr-fr.facebook.com/chezlesproducteurs/
Website : http://jardinsdupaysdaubagne.com/producteur/chez-les-producteurs
RD96, 1500 Route de Napollon
13400, Aubagne, France
13400, Aubagne, France
- 26 local farmers (10 women, 16 men), who sell their own production
- CETA Pays d’Aubagne, as a supporting partner
- Public authorities: Aix Marseille Provence Métropole, Bouches-du-Rhône Department, SUD Region
- Removing intermediaries to maximise farmers’ revenues
- Promoting short circuits to generalize the consumption of local seasonal food
- Supporting the transition towards organic farming through a quality and ethics charter
- Organising farmers to mutualise resources, reduce costs and enhance visibility
- Encouraging the setting up of new farmers in the area
Legal framework & Budget
An association was created in 2016, chaired by Bruno Knipping, an organic market gardener from Aubagne. It received grants worth € 15,000 from Aix Marseille Provence Metropole, SUD Region and Bouches-du-Rhône Department to start the project. Today, it works autonomously. A portion of each producer’s sales is used to pay the rent, bank charges and the 2 employees’ wages.Activities
Chez Les Producteurs is a collective outlet managed by farmers, with the support of 2 employees. It offers a wide range of products, all organic or environmentally friendly: fruits and vegetables, fish and meat, sheep and goat dairy products, wine, beer or bread. They are sold at farm-gate prices by an external employee, with at least one farmer every day. Most producers belong to the “Jardins du Pays d’Aubagne” brand. It contributes to democratising the consumption of local, seasonal and quality food through direct contact between consumers and producers as well as awareness campaigns. The outlet also has a social role to strengthen the local community of farmers.>Innovation & Outcomes
Thanks to cooperation and public support, local farmers have developed a new model for food distribution that combines economic values with a collective dimension. Farmers’ self-organisation, with steady support and supervision of CETA Pays d’Aubagne, has generated yearly revenues five times higher than expected, attracting more and more producers (from 16 to 26 today).
Jobs created
Investment amount
15 000
15 000
Main obstacles & Next steps
Difficulties encountered in collective organisation and management are overcome by increased solidarity and public support to farmers. New considerations on the economic model aim to further reduce the portion deducted from each producers’ sales. To meet the growing demand for processed food and reduce food waste, CETA Pays d’Aubagne and some farmers (members and non-members of the collective outlet) are also working on the development of a collective processing workshop.More on :